All Article articles – Page 8
RSSL experts on the science behind food and pharma
Three scientists, whose contributions help world-leading brands and SMEs develop and supply innovative, safe products, share their experiences working in the labs of contract research company Reading Scientific Services Limited (RSSL)
AstraZeneca conference – New frontiers in synthetic chemistry
Academia and industry meet to solve the challenges of modern drug discovery and process chemistry
Gaining innovation momentum through data analytics
Gaining innovation momentum through data analytics
Accurate temperature control achieving big results, on a small scale
Radleys’ compact reaction station brings accurate temperature control to chemical scientists managing small-scale experiments
Multidisciplinary science kick starts innovation
Nanoform scientists discuss how their diverse personalities and scientific backgrounds foster innovation, helping them tackle problems from different angles, and design better processes
Through the looking glass: a digital future for healthcare
As the digital revolution continues to disrupt even the world’s most established business sectors, the pharmaceutical industry will need to shift and adapt if it is to realise its vision for the future of healthcare
Conducting communications
The rapid expansion of electronic and microelectronic technologies over the last century has transformed the way that we communicate and connect with the wider world
Creating top-notch science communication
How Notch Communications brings creativity to scientific endeavour
Inspiring and supporting the next generation of pharma chemists
Giving encouragement and support to school-age scientists helps to create a dynamic future workforce
Microplastics – A chance discovery leads to a research passion
Tiny plastics are polluting our waterways, foods and drinks. To understand and combat this contaminant, we need to leverage technologies capable of detecting their presence and understanding their makeup
Picking the Brain(iac) of Jon Tickle
We sit down with Jon Tickle, Information Architect at Centrica and one of TV’s favourite geeks, to ask him about his journey through science communication, his involvement in Stem outreach and, of course, his time on Brainiac: Science Abuse
Catalysing discussion around gender and Stem
Much progress must be made before we reach gender equality within Stem. Four employees from process chemistry company CatSci discuss what it means to be a woman working in Stem in the 21st century
Johnson Matthey is taking charge of the electric vehicle revolution
The elements of future power
Free online course: Statistical thinking for industrial problem solving
Using a data driven approach to deliver solutions
Build the best helicopter challenge
Can you figure out how to make the best paper helicopter?
How possible contaminants are investigated
The analytical stages when a suspected issue is found in a product
How biologics have changed the rules for pharma
The impact of the latest generation of drugs for the healthcare industry
Why you should become a Qualified Person
What it takes to assume this essential role at the heart of pharmaceutical manufacturing