The latest chemistry news and research on astrochemistry, including interstellar medium and stellar chemistry, from the Royal Society of Chemistry's magazine, Chemistry World
Low-energy electrons in cosmic ice spring surprise by generating prebiotic molecules
Electrons play a far more significant role than photons in creating molecules that might have kick-started life on Earth
Interstellar cloud conditions yield ‘impossible molecule’
Discovery of rule-breaking compound hypothesised to exist for decades ‘pushes the boundaries of our understandings of chemistry’
The surprising organic chemistry in interstellar space
Even in the bleak wastelands of interstellar space complex organic molecules seem to find a way to form. Anna Demming finds out how
Atmospheres conducive to life
Researchers propose a new biosignature that could hint at habitable exoplanets
Superheavy elements forged in giant stellar collisions
Nuclei with mass numbers above 260 are produced in r -process events
Interstellar ices could have been the nursery for building blocks of life
Modelling conditions thought to exist between the stars led to formation of amino acid precursors
Crystal analysis pushes the moon’s age back 40 million years
Samples retrieved by Apollo astronauts show that the moon formed 4.46 billion years ago
Astronomical spectroscopy: understanding the complex chemistry hidden between the stars
Find out how scientists are resolving the chemistry of the gaps between the stars and planets
Can life exist outside of the habitable zone?
Speculation about conditions on Venus raises questions about our existing definitions
Aromatic molecules in a galaxy far, far away
JWST IR observations suggest star formation was rapid and uneven in early galaxy
Returning to the moon
It’s been a while, but space agencies are starting to plan their trips back to our satellite, with the goal of building semi-permanent bases
The race to build a base on the moon
Nina Notman talks to scientists helping to return humans to the moon – for good this time
RNA building block uracil recovered from near-Earth asteroid Ryugu
Japanese mission returns pristine sample to bolster idea that prebiotic chemicals could have been delivered by meteorites
Uranus: exploring the ice-cold chemistry of the ‘frozen frontier’
Find out why scientists are planning a new space mission to explore the planetary ice giant Uranus
Mission to Uranus
With no spacecraft visiting the ice giants for over 30 years, Anthony King speaks to the planetary scientists planning a return visit
The most complete list ever of Martian organic compounds compiled
Catalogue includes organic compounds from the five Martian meteorites that have been found on Earth
Farsighted science
The Webb telescope looks set to deliver on its promise to change the way we see the universe
First James Webb Space Telescope images provide taste of astrochemistry still to come
Observatory off to bright start revealing chemical make-up of the universe
All of life’s nucleic acids could have extraterrestrial origins
All five nucleobases of RNA and DNA found in three meteorites