Organic chemistry – Page 12
Robot chemist snaps 3D building blocks together like Lego to make complex molecules
Automated synthesiser uses a new class of boronates that are a thousand times more stable than those previously used
We need our simple symbols, but machines might not
Will the curly arrow still be with us in another 100 years?
Sulfonated macrocycle helps the medicine go down
A supramolecular approach makes alkaloid drugs taste less bitter
Atom-swapping reaction sequence turns cyclic diarylmethanes into diarylethers
Strategy that stitches three different reactions together could be useful for making pharmaceutical intermediates
A century of curly arrows
Celebrating the simple symbols that – along with their straight counterparts – encapsulate complex chemical behaviours
Curie temperature high makes organic ferroelectric pair stand out
Homochiral organic ferroelectrics get set to upgrade smart and medical devices
A transition metal handyman
Using nickel templating to promote a large molecule for organic electronics
Engineered enzyme speeds up sedate organic reaction
Biochemical optimisation applied to the Morita–Hillman–Baylis reaction
Wiring up organic synthesis
James Mitchell Crow talks to the organic chemists using electrochemistry to add or remove electrons to their molecules at the flick of a switch
40-year-old mystery of why some molecules break all cyclisation rules has been solved
Molecules that blatantly violate Woodward–Hoffmann rules could lead to general theory of cyclisation in polar compounds
Chemistry Nobel laureate Robert Grubbs dies at 79
US chemist shared 2005 prize for his role in developing the metathesis method in organic synthesis
The curious incident of the catalytic amine that never was
A series of unfortunate events and a missed control experiment meant palladium sneaked its way into a supposedly amine-catalysed reaction
Diels-Alder reaction directly observed under the microscope
Simple ring-forming reaction followed on a surface for the first time using scanning probe microscopy
Doubly negative dianions can form π hole bonds too
Researchers report an attractive interaction between two doubly negative dianions for the first time
Record-breaking hexagon made out of fused aromatic rings
90 rings form the largest structure of its kind ever made
Dearomatisation, but without nasty reagents
New Birch reduction protocol creates solvated electrons without the dangerous combination of liquid ammonia and alkali metal
Are organic chemists discovering fewer reactions than they were decades ago?
Analysis of millions of transformations reveals reliance on popular methods – and the rise of complex reactions