All nobel prize articles – Page 8
Chemistry Nobel predictions range from perovskites to Crispr
Clarivate’s citation laureates name C–H functionalisation, perovskites and catalysis as Nobel contenders, while others favour Crispr or batteries
A slice of ion beam–scanning microscopy
From brain cells to batteries, is there anything focused ion beam–scanning electron microscopy can’t study?
Older researchers crowding out younger ones
Over three decades biomedical grants for basic science have shrunk for young group leaders in the US
Nobel laureate’s medal collection to be sold at auction
Prizes awarded to Robert Robinson will be auctioned off in the UK next month
We need more women to win the Nobel prize
How to improve the gender balance in science’s most prestigious award
Nanomotors change up a gear with metal turbocharge
Metal complexation can speed up molecular motor 32 times
The three winners of this year’s chemistry Nobel gave chemists the tools to make molecules into machines. Emma Stoye assembles the story
Why molecular machines are more than just toys
This year’s Nobel prize could shift the field into high gear
Molecular machines roll in for the 2016 chemistry Nobel
Ben Feringa, Jean-Pierre Sauvage and Fraser Stoddart take chemistry’s top gong for creating a series of nanoscale machines
How to win the Nobel prize part 1: criteria
Bengt Norden discusses the critera against which research is judged
How to win part 2: nominations
Who nominates people for the Nobel prize? Bengt explains the nomination process.
How to win part 3: investigations
In this video, Bengt reveals how the committee investigates nominees to make sure the prize goes to the right person.
How to win part 4: chemistry on rotation?
Bengt tackles the perception that different fields ‘take it in turns’.
How to win part 5: how many people?
Bengt discusses whether the limit of three people will ever change
How to win part 6: 'You've won!'
Winning the Nobel prize has its downsides. Some people change for the worse.
How to win part 7: winners and losers
In our last video, we ask Bengt who should have won, and for his standout recipients
Live blog: molecular machines take the chemistry Nobel
Join us for news, gossip and comment during the build-up to chemistry’s biggest prize