Kate Tustain
- Research
Amorphous clusters across a vast range of sizes found to affect crystal nucleation
The clusters provide sites for nucleation, which contradicts classical nucleation theory
- Research
Metal swarf transformed into electrodes for hydrogen production
Nanotextured surface of titanium and nickel waste supports platinum and cobalt atoms to create effective electrocatalysts
- Research
Volcanic sulfur dioxide linked to oxygen level rise in Earth’s early atmosphere
Study predicts 4.3% of oxygen in atmosphere today comes from breakdown of sulfur dioxide
- Research
Three-centre two-positron bond predicted
Findings expand group of molecules that combine matter and antimatter
- Research
Quantum tunnelling enhances ozone decay
The OH + HCl → H2O + Cl reaction rate is boosted by strong hydrogen bonding, which generates quantum transition states
- Research
Magnetic fields generate intricate periodic trends
By including magnetic fields in conceptual DFT, scientists have been able to use it to predict chemical behaviour under extreme conditions
- Research
Infinity shaped molecule displays unexpected aromaticity
New calculations uncover deeper understanding of the electron delocalisation behaviour in an unusual twisted polyarene