All Careers advice articles – Page 5
Should chemistry degrees require A-level maths?
Requiring a maths qualification could deprive the profession of fresh talent
The art of science
Picture editor Emma Sargent finds out how scientific illustrators are making their mark
Why social media matters
Sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are ideal for building connections and finding a job, explains Charlotte Ashley-Roberts
How to negotiate a pay rise
Charlotte Ashley-Roberts reveals the tactics to talk your way to a higher salary
Who you know can help you get a job
Experienced job seekers should make use of their contacts when finding a new role, says Charlotte Ashley-Roberts
Ways to impress at a careers fair
Robert Bowles reveals how to impress potential employers at a careers fair
Career turning points
Robert Bowles asks how you should react when opportunity unexpectedly presents itself
Back to the bench
Returning to research after a career break is never easy. Manisha Lalloo investigates the trust helping to bridge the gap
Writing a skill-based CV
Julie Franklin explains how to present yourself when your traditional CV starts to overflow
What are you worth?
Ask and you may receive. Don’t and you definitely won’t. Robert Bowles discusses how to get an increase in salary
New kid on the block
The transition to a new organisation can be made smoother by following a few simple guidelines, says Laura Woodward
Mind the gap
Laura Woodward considers the options for those looking for work after significant time away
The right CV for me
It may only be read for a few seconds, so your CV needs to make an impact. Charlotte Ashley-Roberts explains how best to show off your skills
Planning a 50-year career
The retirement age is creeping up, so it’s wise to think about your future today, says Julie Franklin
West side stories
A stint in a US chemistry lab is a rite of passage for many academics. Sarah Houlton talks to the chemists who went to the labs of opportunity
Getting the balance right
Julie Franklin explains the advantages of flexible working, and how to make it work for you
Science within Reach
Charlotte Ashley-Roberts explains what the Reach regulations could mean for you and your role
What's in it for SME?
Small businesses offer unique opportunities for those who are up to the job, explains Charlotte Ashley Roberts
Returning from maternity leave
Charlotte Ashley-Roberts shares her thoughts as she prepares to return to the world of work after maternity leave