All Diversity articles – Page 10
National Academy of Sciences in the US moves to oust sexual harassers
Members vote to change bylaws so membership of the academy can be revoked in cases of proven conduct breaches
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Philippa Matthews reviews Caroline Criado Perez’s new book
Half of Britons wish they’d pursued a career in science
Survey finds that many don’t think they are clever enough to work in a Stem field
Mind the funding gap
Understanding science’s diversity problem is the first step to fixing it
UK universities need more female professors, says science minister
Chris Skidmore calls on universities to take action on gender balance
Early stage NIH funding found free from gender or race bias
US biomedical research agency’s initial peer review process does not treat grant applicants any differently based on their race or gender
Consortium launched to address sexual and gender harassment in science
The American Chemical Society and 60-plus other US organisations form sexual harassment consortium to advance ethics and inclusion in Stemm
Faculty mindset affects racial achievement gap in Stem subjects
Racial performance gap is twice as large in Stem classes taught by professors who believe intelligence is inherent and can’t be changed
So, your colleague said something racist...
James Watson’s lab mates should not be blamed for his offensive views
Strength through diversity
Why people should be at the heart of a forward-thinking contract research organisation
Breaking the stigma around speech disorders
The battle for three scientists to find their voice
White House education plan aims to increase diversity in Stem subjects
Strategy to recruiting more underrepresented minorities gets positive reception
Chemistry prof sues for $20m over alleged gender discrimination
University of Arizona chemistry professor launches class action lawsuit, says she and other female faculty were grossly underpaid, not promoted
Science, suffrage and misogyny
100 years after women could first vote in UK general elections, Rachel Brazil looks back at their fight for professional equality in chemistry
Database seeking to help to diversify chemistry gathers pace
More than 230 academic chemists who self-report as minorities have signed up and the website has inspired industry copycats
The Autobiography of a Transgender Scientist
Ben Barres’ memoir discusses his research and advocacy work
Family-friendly science
We need to encourage working fathers to take on more childcare responsibilities
Ireland to introduce female-only professorships
Controversial scheme hopes to improve gender diversity in research institutions
Action plan launched to tackle gender inequality and bullying in chemistry
Bullying helpline and childcare grants among measures outlined in Royal Society of Chemistry report that reveals why chemistry has an equality problem