All Philosophy of science articles – Page 4
Liquid by Mark Miodownik – Book club
Mark Miodownik on the delightful, dangerous and downright strange liquids that flow through our lives
The physicist's guide to biology
How Erwin Schrödinger’s What is Life? overlooked the central science
The Beautiful Cure by Daniel Davis – Book club
Immunologist Daniel Davis reveals the complexities of the human immune system
Unthinkable by Helen Thomson – Book club
Helen Thomson looks at some of the rarest neurological conditions known to science
Chemistry World Book Club at the Hay Festival
Emma Stoye seeks the science at the world famous Festival of Literature & Arts
Ethics in chemistry
Nina Notman asks whether chemists should be giving more consideration to the ethics of their research
Seeds of Science by Mark Lynas – Book club
Mark Lynas on his journey from anti-GM activist to advocate
Enlightenment now: the case for reason, science, humanism and progress
Steven Pinker sets out to prove we’re living longer, healthier, safer, richer, freer, happier and more meaningful lives than ever before
Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker – Book club
Steven Pinker explains how humanity is doing better than we might at first think
For the sake of argument
It’s important to recognise which disputes can actually be resolved by science
An opportunity ignored
Dismissing ideas that were ‘not invented here’ is like walking past a $100 bill
Why using initials devalues women in science
Are we masking role models by our choice of abbreviation?
A tale of seven scientists and a new philosophy of science
Eric Scerri proposes that science has evolved like a biological organism rather than in small steps or giant leaps
Alternate chemical realities
What would chemistry look like if key discoveries had happened differently?
How does being a chemist change your view on the world?
Scientific knowledge and analysis shape our view, but can also be selectively ignored