Analytical chemistry – Page 5
Fleeting phenomenon of water autoionisation pinned down by neural network simulations
Modelling sheds light on a process that has been known for over a century but was tricky to understand
Secrets of the purple smoke of first high explosive created by alchemists revealed
Microscopy study uncovers why fulminating gold releases colourful fumes
Elusive crystals provide structural evidence of global aromaticity in a macrocyclic hydrocarbon
Reduced forms of [24]paracyclophanetetraene provide fresh understanding of redox-based aromaticity switching
Are you seeing background contamination ions in your mass spectrometry data?
Troubleshooting contamination in LC-MS systems: An at-a-glance guide for chemists
Hunting vampires with the help of DNA profiling
What was draining the life out of 18th and 19th century New Englanders?
Simple substitution creates subset of rhodamine fluorophores with extreme solubility
Tetramethyl-substituted 3-phosphonorhodamines look set to find use in cellular imaging
Direct imaging reveals individual protein-bound glycans in new detail
Sequences and locations of biomolecule-bound sugar chains studied at the single-molecule level
CO₂ storage, magic doors and machine learning
Learn how machine learning based simulations with Matlantis help rationalise long-time CO₂ storage experimental results
Cryo-EM scaffold supports imaging of small proteins previously tricky to study
Improved understanding of the structure of small proteins could aid drug designers
Instanton theory extended to describe quantum tunnelling through a conical intersection
Quantum pathfinding cuts computational burden and offers fresh insights
Fifty years since the ferrocene furore
Only two of the discoverers of the sandwich compounds that revolutionised organometallic chemistry received the Nobel prize, leaving one very big name feeling left out. Mike Sutton traces the controversy
Addressing the saga of nitrosamine contamination in drugs
Scientific and regulatory progress is helping minimise the impact of mutagenic impurities
Transformation analysis reveals structural similarities in FDA-approved drugs
Reaction informatics tools combined to create a new method for mapping chemical space
Astronomical spectroscopy: understanding the complex chemistry hidden between the stars
Find out how scientists are resolving the chemistry of the gaps between the stars and planets
Using DNA evidence to picture suspects
Forensic DNA phenotyping predicts people’s appearance and reveals their ancestry, finds Andy Extance, but has some significant challenges to overcome
Elemental analysis sheds light on Pompeii victims’ final moments
New evidence suggests asphyxiation caused the death of seven people in new study
Neural network-generated odour map connects smells to their chemical structure
Researchers hope to be able to digitise odours to allow specific scents to be put together on demand
Workshop: Your guide to solving complex problems by mastering Design of Experiments
Join JMP on this three-part workshop to enhance your data discovery process with Design of Experiments.
Antimicrobial resistance: Exploring the One Health perspective and wastewater monitoring
The challenges created by antimicrobial resistance are only set to grow. Join us to equip yourself with the most up-to-date facts and knowledge