Analytical chemistry – Page 6
Vlad the Impaler may have shed tears of blood
Protein analysis sheds light on the medieval ruler who may have inspired Dracula
Reference electrode misuse sparks alarm among electrochemists
Inaccurate measurements caused by poor practice has meant that electrochemists are educating others on how to maintain accuracy when venturing into the world of electrocatalysis
Perovskite studies fall foul of ‘unconsciously inappropriate’ XPS analysis
Beware of misinterpreted chemical shifts and misquoted references
First x-ray structure of radium compound gives glimpse of element’s coordination chemistry
Oak Ridge National Laboratory team determines the single crystal structure of a radium complex
Using crystallographic structures & data-driven solutions to advance drug design
Learn how structural data can be used to empower molecular discovery at each stage of the drug design pipeline
Anticounterfeiting secrets of Benjamin Franklin’s paper money revealed
Sophisticated analytical techniques brought to bear on US notes from the 18th century
XRF reveals early drafts of ancient Egyptian art
Portable analytical equipment allows greater analysis of ancient artwork
Crystal structure prediction tool a ‘significant and thought-provoking advance’
Algorithm needs just the chemical formula to find the ground state of a crystalline compound
Ice crystallisation initiated by ultrafast laser pulses caught on camera
Technique will aid understanding of early stages of water freezing
First publisher abandons impractical elemental analysis standard as journals eye next move
Historical ±0.4% accuracy standard was discovered to have little evidence backing in 2022
Hand-built caesium-based ‘artificial atoms’ used to create ‘synthetic’ benzene
Manufactured atoms offer chemists chance to play ‘mind games’ with matter and change bond order of molecules
Aromatic molecules in a galaxy far, far away
JWST IR observations suggest star formation was rapid and uneven in early galaxy
Identifying single atoms with x-ray specificity
Combining synchrotron x-rays with scanning tunnelling microscopy gives atomic resolution
Optical microscopy with Ångström resolution could revolutionise how we see life
Technique can distinguish between details that are just a few atoms apart
Chemical weapons watchdog opens new lab as end nears for deadly munitions
New facility will allow OPCW to address changing nature of threat from chemical weapons
New neural networks calculate catalysts’ adsorption energy ‘with lightning-fast speed’
AI has been used to overcome the problems of modelling massive molecules on metal surfaces, which could accelerate the design of efficient catalysts
Nanoparticles poison single-atom cross coupling catalyst
In a classic heterogeneous palladium catalyst, less than 1% of metal does 99% of catalytic work
Getting the measure of rechargeable batteries
The precision tools needed to manufacture safe and high quality batteries